Enrolment Form 2025Leanne Crowe2024-11-29T13:32:13+10:00 Gymnastics Enrolment Form 2025Springwood & District Citizens Boys & Girls Club Inc. "*" indicates required fields 1Gymnast2Contact Details3Membership Information4Uniform (Optional)5Signature Please complete 1 registration form per participantGymnast's DetailsFirst Name* Middle Name* Surname* Nickname Date of Birth* DD slash MM slash YYYY Age on 01/01/2025* HiddenAge in MonthsHiddenFirst Name* Your child's age must be 02 months or older to be eligible for enrolmentGender: Male Female Home Phone Number*Home Address* Suburb* Postcode* Please specify any disabilities, weaknesses/previous injuries or allergies and first aid required.* Contact/Parents DetailsYour email addresses will be used to send invoices/receipts & some club correspondence. Please add us to your address book & check your email regularly.Contact #1 If you are an adult participant, please put yourself as contact #1Name* Relation to gymnast* Mobile Number* Email Address* Contact #2 * A second contact is required to ensure we can get in contact with you in case of an emergency.Name* Relation to gymnast* Mobile Number* Email Address* Postal Address (if applicable) Suburb Postcode Previous Gymnastics Experience/Membership* Yes, at Springwood Boys and Girls Club Yes, at another gymnastics club Previous gymnastics club: No, but other members of our family are currently enrolled in gymnastics classes or have previously participated in gymnastics classes at Springwood Boys & Girls Club None, no member of our family has done gymnastics at Springwood Boys & Girls Club Gymnastics Club Name Uniform Details All gymnasts must wear club uniform while participating in gymnastics classes at Springwood Boys & Girls Club Girls: Club T-shirt or Polo with black bike shorts/tights OR club leotard Boys: Boys: Club T-shirt or Polo with black shorts/trackpantsClub T-shirts are available in sizes 2,4,6,8,10,12,14 &16 (cost $20.00 each) Yes, we would like to order a T-shirt No, we already have a T-shirt or will purchase uniform at a later date Size*Size246810121416 Authority & Acknowledgement of conditions By signing below I confirm and agree to the following I agree to the above named gymnast attending Springwood Boys & Girls Club I have read and understand Springwood Boys & Girls Club’s Rules & Policies (available on the club’s website & in print form at club) and agree to the terms and conditions stated therein I recognise that participation in physical activity carries reasonable assumption of risk and understand that any activities in which he/she participates is entirely at his/her own risk. I will not hold Springwood Boys & Girls Club, its staff or volunteers responsible for any loss of property and/or accident. In the event of an accident or illness I authorise the obtaining on my behalf, such medical assistance as my child may require and I agree to pay any costs incurred. The information on this form is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and I agree to advise Springwood Boys & Girls Club promptly of any changes that may occur. I give permission for the gymnast to be photographed/videoed while participating in activities at Springwood Boys & Girls Club or at representative activities and I consent for these photos/videos to be used for publicity if required, in both print and electronic form. Note: if you do not wish the gymnast to be photographed/videoed you need to inform the club in writing. Please affix your signature below:Signature*Date signed* DD slash MM slash YYYY Name* Registration Details (Office use only)HiddenRegistration DetailsClassDayTimeLength (hrs) Add RemoveHiddenTotal Weekly Hours HiddenInvoice no. HiddenTotal Due HiddenPayment Date MM slash DD slash YYYY