When your child participates in gymnastics classes at Springwood Boys and Girls Club they are required to wear club uniform.
- Shoes & socks are not to be worn in the gym area.
- Shoes and socks should be removed before entering the gym area and placed on the shelves available or put in a place where others cannot trip over them.
Hair must be tied up. Jewellery is to be removed (see club rules).
Club T shirt or Polo with black bike shorts/tights OR club leotard (a plain white T-shirt with black bike shorts/tights or a plain black leotard are acceptable however uniform is preferred).
Girls in WG are required to wear a leotard or crop top & bike pants for training.
Club T-shirt or Polo with black shorts/trackpants (a plain white T-shirt or plain black or white singlet with black shorts/trackpants are acceptable however, uniform is preferred)
Special Events
It is also compulsory to wear the Club Uniform when representing the club at events such as Competitions, Anzac Day & Foundation Day marches.
* Club tracksuits –are available by special order only.
Club T-Shirts are available in sizes 2-16 and cost $20.00 each.
Order forms are available at the club and full payment is required before the order will be filled.